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Osteopathy is a holistic therapy that focuses on maintaining and restoring the overall well-being of the body.

This discipline is based on the belief that the body functions as an interconnected unit, where dysfunctions in one part can affect others. Osteopathy offers targeted treatments to address a wide range of issues, whether osteoarticular, neurological, or visceral types, with tangible and lasting results.

Our approach begins with a detailed medical history to understand the specific disorders and symptoms of each patient. We then use a series of osteopathic tests to identify areas of dysfunction:

Visceral tests: These allow us to assess internal organ dysfunctions and understand how they relate to the patient's overall health.

Joint tests: Through these tests, we identify joint and muscle dysfunctions, evaluating how they may compromise posture and the body's normal biomechanical functions.

Craniosacral tests: These help us detect neurological and positional dysfunctions of the skull, spine, and sacrum, analyzing how these may influence the patient's symptoms.

After identifying the problems, our team of osteopaths uses specific maneuvers to improve these dysfunctions, thereby enhancing the patient's overall condition and alleviating symptoms.

Additionally, we are committed to educating you on behaviors and practices that can make a long-term difference, helping you prevent the recurrence of issues.

If you have never tried osteopathic treatment, now is the ideal time to do so. We offer home services, adapting to your schedule and finding the solution that best suits your needs to ensure maximum comfort and the best results.

"Osteopathy is holistic: man is seen for what he is, a complex system made up of many things, each dependent on the other."

Integrating osteopathy with psychology, nutrition, exercise, and physiotherapy creates a holistic approach that optimizes overall well-being, addressing every aspect of your health for perfect and lasting balance.

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